About the Challenge

365 Photo Challenge

Take a Picture, It'll Last Longer
365 Day Photo Challenge

Start: June 20, 2011
End: June 19, 2012

I figure my 29th birthday is a great day to start my photo blog and the last picture will be the day before I turn 30 in 2012. Thanks to Megan at A Suitcase and Stilettos for the idea. Feel free to join us!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Catching Up-August 20th-September 3rd

I've been on vacation for a week, then with the hurricane and earthquake it's been a busy week around these parts. Here's some catch-up photos:

August 20th:

August 21st:

August 22nd:

August 23rd:
August 24th:
August 25th:

August 26th:

August 27th:
August 28th:

August 29th:
August 30th:

August 31st:
September 1st:
September 2nd:

September 3rd:


  1. Love the photo's, especially the 29th to the 1st.

  2. Thanks! It's been a great few weeks! Cannot wait to add photos of the new place!
